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The UofA Video Game Club Visits BioWare

The University of Alberta Video Game Club made a visit to our BioWare theatre to hear and learn more about E3’s launch of Dragon Age: Inquisition to talk about getting into the game industry. It was a great event, and we hope to meet again in the fall.

BioWare & The Easter Seals Drop Zone

“I’d totally rappel down a building dressed as a superhero to support people living with disabilities!” Have you fantasized about being a superhero? Dreamt of flying like Superman or using Batman’s utility belt to scale a building? Well so do some employees of BioWare Edmonton. The Drop Zone challenges participants to raise funds for charity in order to rappel down the Sutton Place Hotel, a 28-story building in downtown Edmonton. The best part is that we get to rappel in costume (hopefully some BioWare characters): participants are encouraged to dress as heroes, for we are trying to be superheroes to those who will benefit from our fundraising efforts.